It is the policy of H&D Air Conditioning Ltd to operate effectively to lessen or eliminate any adverse effect on the environment.

Introduction & Aim

H & D Air Conditioning is a family-run air conditioning company, operating from a site in Burgess Hill, West Sussex.  Our service is the supply, installation and repair of air conditioning, ventilation, commercial refrigeration, and dehumidifiers. We recognise that our operations result in emissions to air and water, and the generation of waste. It is our aim to comply with legislation and other requirements, continue to reduce the environmental impacts of our business and operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This policy describes how we will achieve our aim.


This environmental policy applies to all our operations including management, office services, installation, servicing, repairs, delivery, and procurement. H & D Air conditioning is responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented. However, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.

In order to achieve this, the company will:

  • use all good environmental practices in day-to-day operations.
  • operate auto sensor lights in our offices to reduce carbon footprint
  • ensure our offices are A rated energy efficient building with heat pump heating
  • use material from sustainable sources, filters used in AHU’s are from recycled cardboard
  • recycle 100% of the cardboard created using the cardboard bailer we had installed in 2021
  • recycle, where possible, all metal waste created including decommissioned units and copper piping
  • continue to use an electronic, paperless scheduling and quoting system
  • recycle all used printer cartridges
  • use registered waste disposal companies for removal of all waste streams.
  • ensure all company vehicles meet all emission standards. In 2021 we have an electric vehicle being added to our fleet for site visits.
  • always maintain high standards of cleanliness in respect of litter and waste packaging.
  • ensure any cleaning agents used are of a biodegradable nature.
  • ensure any chemicals that are used do not present an environment hazard.
  • limit to a minimum and strive to eliminate all emissions to the atmosphere e.g., dusts and carbon dioxide.
  • limit to a minimum the use of electricity and gas supplies and strive to eliminate any wastage. The general aim is a 20% reduction in energy consumption within the next two years.
  • recover and recycle all refrigerant gases from decommissioned systems and have them destroyed or recycled whether they are clean or contaminated
  • stop the use of chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the ozone layer.
  • consider all environmental impacts of new equipment or new work undertaken by installing and recommending new R32 gas run systems where possible
  • lessen the impact of any nuisance noise and to work within set hours in residential areas.
  • Respect all clients’ policies aimed at a better environment.


Monitoring and auditing

Progress against these objectives will be monitored through monthly management meetings.


This environmental policy is available on request. If you wish to obtain a copy or would like to discuss our progress against our objectives, please telephone 01444 232552.